On February 20, 2020, the Felicity Franklin FFA held their 10th Annual Degree Night. First year FFA members received their Greenhand Degree, and second year members received their Chapter Degree. Greenhand Degrees are an award given to first year FFA members signifying the beginning of a member’s career in FFA, and celebrates their first year with the organization. Made of Bronze, representing hard work and endurance, the Greenhand Degree is earned by meeting requirements outlined by National FFA. 57 students were awarded their Greenhand Degrees.
Another facet of Degree Night is the Chapter Degree ceremony. Chapter Degrees are the highest award that can be bestowed on a member by their chapter. Usually received by second or third year FFA members, requirements outlined by National FFA must be met for a member to earn their Chapter Degree. 34 members received their Chapter Degree.
The chapter also
provided dinner for the members and their guests, and recognized the elementary
and middle school participants from the FFA hosted science fair.
Caption 1:
The Greenhand Degree recipients pose with their degrees.